Linda Marks is available to lead workshops and speak on a wide variety of topics including the ones below. Linda also leads on-going therapy groups in the greater Boston area. Contact her at

On-going Body Psychotherapy Groups

Linda leads a weekly body psychotherapy group that is open to both male and female participants. The group provides a safe, community setting to do deep, heart-centered healing. The format includes an opening heart meditation, check-ins, deeper "turns" (which can include EKP work, coaching, feedback, group discussion on a topic of interest to one member), debriefing meditation and check-outs.

While the group is on-going, members may stay in the group for long-term work, we contract for membership in successive 6 month chunks.
  • The Thursday night group meets from 7 - 9 pm in Newton, MA
If you are interested in joining this group, an interview and one EKP session with Linda are required to apply.

Monthly EKP Process Group

Linda leads one monthly EKP Process Group that provides an on-going setting to do deep, heart-centered healing. The group format includes an opening heart meditation and check-ins, and opportunities for members to have EKP turns.

The group meets for one 3 hour session on a Sunday once a month. An interview and one EKP session with Linda are required to apply.

Click on any of these topics for a more detailed description

Healing the Traumatized Heart

Through meditation, paired shairings, experiential exercises, group discussion and EKP sacred healing circle work, this workshop explores the power of our hearts, how our hearts and wounded and how we heal. Together, we create a safe, sacred space for soul level healing, learning about boundaries, pacing the "emotion-body" connection, and community as healer. more

Healing the Intergenerational Heart
This workshop will provide an opportunity to work with intergenerational issues, and the issues that concern your heart most deeply in the here and now. Getting to the root of what underlies relationship struggles, problems handling money, obtaining meaningful work, challenges to survival, chronic pain and finding peace with who you are, we will be using an integration of EKP and Hellinger Family Constellations. more.

Integrating Sexuality and Spirituality
This workshop focuses on the sex-spirit split that permeates our culture, the heart wounding to men and women that follows from this split, and offers a progressive series of focused discussions and experiential exercises to help us integrate our sexuality and spirituality, learn about our emotional, sexual and spiritual needs, understand sex as soul energy exchange, and develop tools and language to increase love and intimacy in our lives. more

Healing the War Between the Genders
This workshop explores why our relationships are often so challenging, putting many of our struggles in an evolutionary context. The human species is undergoing an evolutionary shift where we are maturing emotionally and spiritually from our adolescence to our adulthood. W are being asked to integrate our male and female energies individually and collectively, as we explore what it means to be a man, a woman, a human being. Through partnered and small group exercises and large group discussion we will learn how to develop and sustain deep, intimate, soul-centered relationships. more

Creating the Life You Want From the Inside Out
Linda offers a six week coaching class to help you learn the process of living with vision: exploring your current life reality, looking at what you really want, cultivating your evolving vision, working with blocks, obstacles and resistances, defining grounded goals, developing an action plan for a 3-month project, and taking small, doable action steps with the support of a buddy or buddies and the group as a whole. more

Making Peace With Money
This is a six week coaching class is all about money empowerment. A great opportunity to get grounded about money, work through fears, blocks, obstacles and resistances, and let yourself clarify what really matters to you. Practical exercises and weekly action steps bring you closer to the "money life you really want." more

Reintegrating the Feminine
Several thousand years ago we entered an era where masculine energy began to predominate as part of our evolutionary trajectory. Growing from our matriarchal roots, we sought to differentiate, separate and individuate. Today, we feel the effects of reaching the extreme polarity of masculine energy, an overmasculinization of both men and women. We experience the denial and rejection of feminine qualities of heart, relationship, being and interconnection.
This workshop explores how we reintegrate the feminine, healing our wounded hearts, balancing the male and female energies within us, and restoring essential connections to soul, relationships, community, the natural world and God/the life force. more

Healing the Traumatized Heart with Linda Marks, MSM

The heart is the first organ to form in the body. It is the organizing factor for physical formation, including brain formation. The heart contains extensive brain-like neural matter and has recently been classified as a gland because it produces its own hormone. The heart can act as an internal pharmacy--dispensing and communicating what is needed where and when it is needed. Its rhythm and pulse can entrain all of the body's rhythms and cycles into coherent harmony. Each person‚s EKG pattern is as unique as their fingerprint. When two people touch, one person's heartwave has been seen to register in the brainwave of the other.

The heart is the most powerful generator of electromagnetic energy in the body:
• the heart's electrical field is 60 times greater in amplitude than the electrical activity generated by the brain
• the magnetic field produced by the heart is more than 5000 times greater in strength than the field generated by the brain
• the electromagnetic energy of the heart not only envelops every cell of the body, but also extends out in all directions in the space around us
• our cardiac field touches those within 8 - 10 feet of where we are positioned (and perhaps in more subtle ways at greater distances)

Sadly, it is all too commonplace to experience trauma, deprivation or neglect, that creates a mind-body and spirit-soul split, and leaves a deeply wounded heart. Our culture has normalized the post-trauma state of disembodiment, the neurophysiological response of Œleaving one's body‚ to escape from pain that is literally too overwhelming to bear. We escape into a state of mental activity devoid of feelings and body awareness. In this traumatized, wounded state, we lose touch with the power of the heart.

Through meditation, paired sharings, experiential exercises, group discussion and EKP* sacred healing circle work, we will explore the power of our hearts, how our hearts are wounded and how we heal.

Topics we explore can include:
• Emotional safety
• Restoring our capacity as organs of perception (developing sensory and sensual awareness)
• Speaking and listening from the heart
• Safe touch (with permission to facilitate emotional healing)
• Healing our relationships with our bodies
• Connection and making contact
• Boundaries
• Pacing
• Emotions, touch and intimacy
• Creating safe space
• Basic human needs
• Working with emotional, somatic and cognitive intelligence
• Developing energy awareness
• Tracking non-verbal cues

About EKP Sacred Healing Circle Work:

EKP is Emotional-Kinesthetic Psychotherapy, a heart-centered, body-centered psychotherapy method Linda Marks developed and has taught and practiced for nearly twenty years. Working with the heart, touch with permission, the wisdom of the body and the intuitive guidance of the spirit, EKP creates a special sense of intimacy that deeply touches and transforms most all who participate.

Participants can be "client," witness or helper as an individual group member has a "turn" to do deeper heart-centered, body-centered psychospiritual work in the center. Since the electromagnetic field of the heart extends out 10 - 12 feet from our bodies, as we go deeper and open our hearts, we are all touched.

EKP helps restore our capacity as organs of perception. The skin is our largest organ, and a source of soul deep knowing, perception and expression. When our hearts and hands can work as one, we move beyond defenses safely and respectfully and find freedom, connection and expression.

Healing the Intergenerational Heart

Many of our heart wounds originate in our childhood and family experiences. Working through emotional issues at a body level helps us reach the inner child, and the embodied memories of what s/he experienced, including trauma, neglect, and abandonment. However, what we may not be aware of is that some of the heart wounds we live with are deeply rooted in events that occurred before we were born.
Intergenerational family issues cast an often invisible shadow on our lives, and only when we are given the opportunity to directly address them can we become free in the here and now.

Children and grandchildren of Holocaust survivors feel the impact of their ancestor's trauma. Alcoholism, depression and other mental health issues run through many generations within a family. Unexpected pregnancies and unwanted babies cast long transgenerational shadows. Unspoken20family secrets exert power we may not be aware of.

Sometimes the issues that feel most stubborn and insurmountable, even after trying every available therapeutic or healing method, need to be addressed at the intergenerational energy level for things to finally shift in the here and now.

This workshop will provide an opportunity to work with intergenerational issues, and the issues that concern your heart most deeply in the here and now. Getting to the root of what underlies relationship struggles, problems handling money, obtaining meaningful work, challenges to survival, chronic pain and finding peace with who you are, we will be using an integration of EKP and Hellinger Family Constellations.

Just as EKP allows us to work with the heart's electromagnetic energy field to facilitate healing and growth individually and collectively, Hellinger Family Constellations allow us to work with intergenerational energy to facilitate healing of the family oversoul that can limit or free us in our present-day lives.

Linda Marks and Dan Booth Cohen will provide an opportunity to work individually and collectively, drawing on the power of our intergenerational connections and the healing power of the heart.

Integrating Sexuality and Spirituality with Linda Marks, MSM

We live in a culture struggling with a split between sexuality and spirituality. Inundated with sexual imagery, what is most visible to us is a disconnected sexuality, separate from love, intimacy, spirituality, body and soul.

A new integrative paradigm is emerging that sees sex and spirit, and mind and body, as inextricably linked. As sexuality is experienced as soul energy exchange, a deep mutually nourishing dance between self, the divine and two or more souls, we feed a hunger that is both spiritual and erotic.

Through meditation, experiential exercises, paired sharings and group discussion, we will explore:
• Our spiritual and sexual histories
• Spiritual and sexual safety
• Emotionally safe sex
• Emotional, spiritual and sexual needs and how to express them to a partner
• Creating a sacred space to love and cherish self and other
• Safe, respectful, sensual touch
• Ways of making contact and connection
• The nature of desire
• Sex as soul energy exchange
• The essence of gender
• Sex and power
• The relationship between sex, love and intimacy

Healing the War Between the Genders: The Power of the Soul-Centered Relationship with Linda Marks, MSM

We live in a time when traditional gender roles have come undone. We struggle in relationships as we face the war between the genders and the gender war within ourselves. The gender wars can transcend one‚s sexual orientation, as men and women alike are being challenged to dig down deep inside themselves and reclaim both masculine and feminine energies within.

We have lost the energy of relationship consciousness in what author Terry Real calls an "anti-relational, vulnerability-despising culture." We need to develop a new template to restore the intimacy, connection, purpose, trust and meaning to our lives that we crave and deserve. We need this for our health and happiness, and also for our survival. Join author and psychotherapist Linda Marks, as we examine the cultural heart wound, the male and female heart wounds, and explore relationships from a deeper place--through the lens of the soul.

Using meditations, paired sharings, experiential exercises and group discussions, we will explore:
• an evolutionary context that helps us understand our struggles in relationships
• the difference between personality-based and soul-centered relationships
• what it means to be a man
• what it means to be a woman
• what it means to be a human being
• how we have been hurt by our own gender and the other gender
• what we really need from our own gender and the other gender
• the essence of gender--including masculine and feminine energies within ourselves
• the evolutionary spiral of relationship
• working through the shadowlands in a relationship
• creating spiritual partnership
• speaking and listening from the heart
• the relationship between love, intimacy and sexuality
• how to heal our wounded hearts

Creating the Life You Want From the Inside Out
A six week group for exploring and realizing your vision led by Linda Marks author of LIVING WITH VISION:

RECLAIMING THE POWER OF THE HEART. Vision is a creative capacity within us all. Vision is different from a goal, although we can set goals that allow us to move towards our vision. Our heart is a compass for finding and following vision. To find our vision, we need tools to explore what really matters to us. This six week class will provide a structure, tools and techniques to listen to your soul, body and heart to unearth what really matters and allow you to incorporate it into your daily life. The class will help you develop your vision and translate it into practical steps for daily life. We will:
• Use meditation, creative and evocative exercises to reveal and clarify our evolving vision.
• Develop a practical action plan each week to help make your vision real in daily life.
• Provide coaching to unravel blocks that prevent us from getting what we really want.

Making Peace With Money
A six week coaching class with Linda Marks

Money is our culture's most loaded concept. We are told "money is the root of all evil," yet we are also told "you can't be too rich or too thin." Many people spend years trying to come to peace with money, and that peace is hard to come by. Money has become the "false God" in our culture and in trying to make peace with money, we often fall into a crisis of meaning, a spiritual void.

While objectively, money is only a concept and a resource, psychologically and culturally, money is a mirror. We have projected onto it our most basic needs, our deepest fears and elusive things we hunger for.

This class will provide an opportunity to both look at your current money situation and begin to develop a vision including how money can help you build the life you want, right livelihood, investment of your time and life energy, building a financial base for the future and clearing up debt.

The class will provide a coaching environment with weekly action steps, grounded goals, personal facilitation and a support system.

Reintegrating the Feminine

Several thousand years ago we entered an era where masculine energy began to predominate as part of our evolutionary trajectory. Growing from our matriarchal roots, we sought to differentiate, separate and individuate. Today, we feel the effects of reaching the extreme polarity of masculine energy, an overmasculinization of both men and women. We experience the denial and rejection of feminine qualities of heart, relationship, being and interconnection.

This workshop explores how we reintegrate the feminine, healing our wounded hearts, balancing the male and female energies within us, and restoring essential connections to soul, relationships, community, the natural world and God/the life force.