Published by
HeartPower Press
Release Date: 2/14/04 ISBN #: 0-9744522-0-3 $20.00 US
Click here to see the Table of Contents
Click here to see the Male Foreword by Stan Dale,
Founder of the Human Awareness Institute
Click here to see the Female Foreword by Margaret Paul,
Author and Psychotherapist
Click here to read Chapter 1: The Traumatized Heart
Click here to order Healing the War Between the Genders |
What colleagues have said about the book:
"Timely and truly heart-warming.
Deeply-experienced interpersonal wisdom that can help evolve more appreciative relationships--and
help re-design more caring economies and win-win societies on our small endangered planet."
-Hazel Henderson, Author, Building a Win-Win World: Life Beyond Global Economic Warfar
"Linda Marks heralds forth a matrix that assists men and women to make sense out of present
relationship chaos. Healing the War Between the Genders brings new perspectives that guide
us to the soul-centered relationships we both deserve and yearn for. This book brings the
surprise of enlightenment: You will never perceive gender roles or your own stumbling blocks
the same again!" -Michael Picucci, Author, The Journey Toward Complete Recovery, Co-founder,
The Institute for Authentic Process Healing
"This is a wonderful hopeful book about
the journey men and women are taking. Another step in the healing; an inspiration!"
-Daphne Rose Kingma, Author, The Men We Never Knew and The Future of Love
"Linda Marks expertly weaves together a coherent discourse on an age-old human drama and
provides the reader with some extraordinarily valuable insights and tools for re-scripting
this human drama. This book makes a very important contribution in serving as a guide for
how to deal with one of the central issues for humanity's next evolutionary journey."
-Carroy U. Ferguson, PH.D. Professor, University of Massachusetts-Boston Associate Editor,
Journal of Humanistic Psychology
Published by Knowledge Systems, Inc, 1989
Foreword by Hazel Henderson Reissued by HeartPower Press, 2004 ISBN #: 0-941705-07-2 $16.00 US
Click here to order Living With Vision |
This book is a classic that retains its relevance and value with the passage of time.
Chock full of exercises, concepts and stories to help you build your vision, discover your purpose,
embrace the darkside, sustain relationships, humanize organizations and make a mark for the better in this world.
"This is a magnificent book for those who want to be reminded about hope for the search for a meaningful life. It inspired
me at a time when I needed a boost. This book can be kept on your bookcase and re-read often." -Teri-E Belf, Success Coach
"From this book we can learn that the whole world is speaking to us. We need only be quiet for a moment and listen.
The vast community of the universe will support and guide us if only we will respond graciously to its affectionate concern."
-Thomas Berry, Director, Riverdale Center of Religious Research
"This is a book about finding meaning, connecting
with purpose and empowering our actions through love..a practical invitation to give birth to our dreams." -Joan Borysenko,
Author, Mind the Body, Mending the Mind |