November 1,, 2017
HealingHeartPower Newsletter Reclaiming the Power of the Heart |
About Linda
Marks, MSM, is pioneer in body psychotherapy who has developed, taught
and practiced Emotional-Kinesthetic Psychotherapy (EKP) for 32 years.
She is also a singer/songwriter, and loves the way music can speak heart
she co-founded the Massachusetts Association of Body Psychotherapists
and Counseling Bodyworkers and is the founder of the Boston Area
Sexuality and Spirituality Network. She holds degrees from Yale and MIT. To find out more about Linda . . .
Purchase Say Yes To Love on CDBaby
The Music Salon
Linda Marks Music
can: organize a workshop, sponsor a "Community As Healer" experience
or join with others who might want to host a workshop.
Coming Up at the Music Salon
Singer/Songwriter Rick Drost will be our featured musical artist on November 18 at the Music Salon
David Scott and Mark Shilansky will perform at the Music Salon on December 9
Lori Diamond and Fred Abatelli will perform at the Music Salon on March 24
Upcoming Workshops:
Community As Healer
Sunday, November 5
1 - 4 pm
Newton, MA
Community As Healer
Sunday, December 10
1 - 4 pm
Newton, MA
Listening to Your Body....Following Your Heart
Saturday, November 11
2:30 pm
Natural Living Expo
Marlborough, MA
| Linda Marks and Terry Smith on "Talk 'N Tunes" |
Musical Performances:
Saturday, November 18
Linda Marks and Terry Smith
The Music Salon
opening for featured singer/songwriter Rick Drost
11 Walton St
Waltham, MA
6 - 9 pm
Sunday, November 19
Linda Marks with Bobby Gadoury
Grill 37
37 Putnam Road
Pomfret Center, CT 4 - 8 pm
February 3
Linda Marks and Terry Smith
Jazz Cafe at First Event
Marlboro, MA
May 19
Linda Marks and Terry Smith
at the Newton Centre Artful Piano
Newton Festival of the Arts
Newton, MA
4 - 5:30 pm
June 9
Singer/Songwriter Showcase
at the Newton Centre Artful Piano
Newton Festival of the Arts
Newton, MA
12 - 5 pm
| Linda Marks and Abigail Arndt sing "In Your Life" at L'Aroma Cafe |
| "Love And Time" Linda Marks, Abigail Arndt and Terry Smith at L'Aroma Cafe |
|  | Linda sings "Autumn Leaves" at Scullers with Terry Smith on guitar and Doug Hammer on piano |  |
At The Music Salon
in Waltham, MA:
House Concerts
6 pm Potluck
6:30 pm Visual Art Presentation
7 pm Concert
November 18: Singer/songwriter Rick Drost
Featured visual artist: Colleen Sgroi
December 9: Musical duo David Scott and Mark Shilansky
Featured rocks and minerals expert Kyle Russell
January 13: Musical duo Three at Home (Mary and Dann)
March 24: Singer/songwriter duo Lori Diamond and Fred Abatelli
Both the body psychotherapy work I have done
for the past 32 years and my music, which has been my deepest creative
passion throughout my life, come from the same source: the heart.
As this newsletter has evolved to include
all of my work, I am aware that some people welcome this evolution, and
others don't. If you would like to give me feedback about what
interests you and is most valuable for you to receive in a newsletter, I
would greatly appreciate your feedback. Please send a note to lsmheart@aol.com. Many thanks!
I am greatly looking forward to singing and playing with pianist and vocalist Bobby Gadoury at Grill 37 in Putnam, CT on Sunday, November 19 from 4 - 8 pm.
This month's featured article is "Me Too And All Of Us" responding to the viral Facebook campaign and the deeper issues it brings to the surface.
October had lots of wonderful gigs. A highlight was playing at Main Streets Market and Cafe in Concord. Thanks to Lori Diamond and Fred Abatelli and Abigail Arndt for sharing the stage!
| Thanks to Lori Diamond and Fred Abatelli for playing with me and Abigail Arndt at Main Streets Market and Cafe |
Playing a set of original songs at the Loop at the Armory Cafe in Somerville was great fun, and I and met some wonderful other singer/songwriters! Mary and Dann (Three At Home) will be playing in the Music Salon on January 13!
| Singer/songwriter Rick Drost |
On Saturday, November 18, singer/songwriter Rick Drost will perform at the Music Salon. Painter Colleen Sgroi will be our featured visual artist.
6pm Potluck. 6:30 pm Visual art presentation. 7 pm Music begins. $20 suggested donation. RSVP to (617)913-0683
On November 25, 2017, I will be releasing my new Singer/Songwriter album, which contains ONLY original songs. If you would like to get a pre-release copy contact me at lsmheart@aol.com or (617)913-0683.
If you would like to
experience the heart-centered body psychotherapy work I do, and be part
of a community of literal "helping hands," you can attend the monthly Community As Healer Group in Newton on Sunday, November 5 from 1 - 4 pm and Sunday December 10 from 1 - 4 pm.
Your comments and feedback are always welcome!
Heartfully Linda
"What keeps us alive,
what allows us to endure?
I think it is the hope of loving,
or being loved.
I heard a fable once about the sun
going on a journey
to find its source,
and how the moon wept
without her lover's warm gaze.
We weep when light does not
reach our hearts.
We wither like fields
if someone close does not rain
their kindness upon us."
"What brings fulfillment is gratefulness,
the simple response of our heart
to this life in its fullness."
--Brother David Steindl-Rast
 "Let yourself be silently drawn by the strange pull of what you really love. It will not lead you astray."
--Jalaluddin Rumi |
October Gig Highlights |
|  | Linda Marks and Terry Smith at Jazz Brunch at L'Aroma Cafe |  |
|  | At the October Music Salon |
|  | At Main Streets Market and Cafe |  |
Me Too And All Of Us |
much is happening socially and politically in our country right now.
Add in natural forces like hurricanes, and life can feel daunting and
out of control.
past month, the "Me Too" campaign that went viral on Facebook gave me
lots to reflect on. Though not entirely surprising, it was powerful and
deeply troubling to see just how many of my female friends and
colleagues had experienced sexual violence.
though my experience as a 16 year old surviving an attempted rape and
murder has always been front and center, contributing to the body of
work I evolved as a heart-centered body psychotherapist, until the "Me
Too" campaign, I did not really focus on all the other experiences of
inappropriate advances that I have experienced from my childhood through
teenage years, through college and into my professional years. As I
started to tally all the experiences, it was truly daunting not only
that so many incidents happened, but also that I had put them aside,
even dismissed them because none was as life threatening or significant
as the incident that happened when I was 16.
also seemed important to note that male friends and colleagues had
experienced inappropriate sexual advances in addition to my female
friends and colleagues. And that underlying this whole epidemic is a
misuse of power and a lack of understanding of the sacredness of
sexuality in our lives.
The Music Salon
|  | Poet Beatriz Alba |  |
|  | Vocalist Patrice McKinley and pianist Tom LaMark |
Music is such a source of great joy, and is a universal language to connect people heart-to-heart.
The Music Salon provides an opportunity each month to build community through music and art.
Beatriz Alba shared words from the heart and Cabaret Singer Patrice
McKinley accompanied by Tom LaMark at the piano shared Patrice's
recovery journey through story and song, "Ordinary Miracles"at the October Music Salon.
We look forward to welcoming to the Music Salon:
November 18: Singer/Songwriter Rick Drost and Visual Artist Colleen Sgroi
December 9: Musical Duo David Scott and Mark Shilansky and Rocks and Minerals Expert Kyle Russell
January 13: Three At Home (Mary and Dann)
March 24: Singer/Songwriter Duo Lori Diamond and Fred Abatelli
What is EKP?
|  EKP
is Emotional-Kinesthetic Psychotherapy, a heart-centered, body-centered
psychotherapy method Linda Marks developed and has taught and practiced
for nearly twenty years. Working with the heart, touch with permission,
the wisdom of the body and the intuitive guidance of the spirit, EKP
creates a special sense of intimacy that deeply touches and transforms
most all who participate.
Participants can be "client," witness
or helper as an individual group member has a "turn" to do deeper
heart-centered, body-centered psychospiritual work in the center. Since
the electromagnetic field of the heart extends out 10 - 12 feet from our
bodies, as we go deeper and open our hearts, we are all touched.
helps restore our capacity as organs of perception. The skin is our
largest organ, and a source of soul deep knowing, perception and
expression. When our hearts and hands can work as one, we move beyond
defenses safely and respectfully and find freedom, connection and
safety is the foundation of EKP. When we are emotionally safe, we are
more aware of feelings, sensations and deeper thoughts in our bodies and
hearts. You will have a chance to listen to and care for your heart as
you help create and hold a safe healing space for everyone's heart.
Experience what we mean when we say that in EKP, "when anyone has a turn, everyone has a turn."
Albums by Linda Marks | 
Linda has two new albums for 2017. Say Yes to Love was released 9/1/17, Singer/Songwriter will be released 11/25/17, and and contains ONLY Linda's original songs.
To get your pre-release copy, contact lsmheart@aol.com or (617)913-0683 Say Yes To Love, Coming Full Circle and Heart To Heart
are available for purchase on CD Baby, iTunes, and Amazon (or through
me directly). And you can hear my songs on Spotify and YouTube as well. |
I welcome dialogue and comments on my articles through my blog: HealingHeartPower.blogspot.com It is user friendly, and even something you can subscribe to.