July 1,, 2017
HealingHeartPower Newsletter Reclaiming the Power of the Heart |
About Linda
Marks, MSM, is pioneer in body psychotherapy who has developed, taught
and practiced Emotional-Kinesthetic Psychotherapy (EKP) for 32 years.
She is also a singer/songwriter, and loves the way music can speak heart
she co-founded the Massachusetts Association of Body Psychotherapists
and Counseling Bodyworkers and is the founder of the Boston Area
Sexuality and Spirituality Network. She holds degrees from Yale and MIT. To find out more about Linda . . .
| Visual artist Grey Held at the Music Salon in June |
HealingHeartPower Calendar
can: organize a workshop, sponsor a "Community As Healer" experience
or join with others who might want to host a workshop.
| Harvey Diamond and Jon Dreyer at the Music Salon in June |
Upcoming Workshops:
Listening To The Body...
Following Your Heart
(Introductory Workshop)
Saturday, July 23
10 am - 12:30 pm
Newton, MA
Community As Healer
Sunday, July 23
1 - 4 pm
Newton, MA
Community As Healer
Sunday, August 13
1 - 4 pm
Newton, MA
Community As Healer
Revolution of Consciousness
Saturday, September 24
Time TBA
| "Love And Time" by Linda Marks from Scullers show 9/1/16 |
Musical Performances:
Saturday, August 5
Linda Marks and Terry Smith
open at the Music Salon
Waltham, MA
7 pm
Saturday, August 12
Performance with Terry Smith
Waltham Farmers Market
Waltham, MA
11 am
Sunday, September 17
Linda Marks and Terry Smith
Jazz Brunch at
L'Aroma Cafe
Spencer St, West Newton
11:30 am - 1 pm
|  | Linda sings "Autumn Leaves" at Scullers with Terry Smith on guitar and Doug Hammer on piano |  |
| Singing "Will You Love Me Tomorrow" at the Newton Festival of the Arts |
At The Music Salon
in Waltham, MA:
House Concerts
6 pm Potluck
6:30 pm Visual Art Presentation
7 pm Concert
September 16: Pianist Joe Mulholland
and bassist Bob Nieske
Becke Drake, Featured Visual Artist
October 21: Vocalist Patrice McKinley
If you would like to train in EKP, contact Linda
If you would like to sponsor a
Listening to Your Body....Following Your Heart,
Healing the Traumatized Heart workshop, or a Community As Healer workshop,
contact LSMHEART@aol.com
| Linda Marks and Terry Smith playing at 13 Forest Gallery Arlington Porchfest |
Terry and I have had quite a few gigs over the past month. We
also spent some time in the recording studio with Doug Hammer.
The tracks Terry and I recorded will be included in my 2018 Moments album.
I am very grateful to have had the opportunity to be interviewed for a film, Life After, which Dayna Altman is creating to help survivors of sexual violence/sexual assault. The premiere of Dayna's film is planned for August.
I was at Yale, a psychology class involving a small chicken that a
professor zapped with an electrode made a lifelong impression on me.
This month's featured article: "Bringing the Catatonic Chicken Back to Life: The Power of Compassionate Heartfelt Presence"
On Saturday, September 16, versatile pianist Joe Mulholland with Bob Nieske on bass will play at the Music Salon. Our featured visual artist is Becke Drake.
6pm Potluck. 6:30 pm Visual Art presentation. 7 pm Music begins. $20 suggested donation. RSVP to (617)913-0683
In 2017, I am releasing two albums: Say Yes To Love (on 9/1) and Singer/Songwriter(on 11/25), which contains ONLY original songs. If you would like to get a pre-release copy of either or both albums, contact me at lsmheart@aol.com or (617)913-0683.
If you would like an introductory experience of EKP, this July 23 workshop is perfect for you!
| Linda Marks and Terry Smith |
Upcoming performances coming up in 2017 include:
Linda Marks and Terry Smith return to the wonderful L'Aroma Cafe in West Newton
Saturday August 5 and Sunday, September 17 from 11:30 am - 1 pm.
Linda Marks and Terry Smith
at the Waltham Farmers Market Saturday, August 12, 11 am - 1 pm.
Linda Marks and Terry Smith will play at the Music Salon on September 16
at 7 pm.
If you would like to
experience the heart-centered body psychotherapy work I do, and be part
of a community of literal "helping hands," you can attend the monthly Community As Healer Group in Newton on Sunday, July 23 from 1 - 4 pm and Sunday, August 13 from 1 - 4 pm.
Your comments and feedback are always welcome!
Heartfully Linda
"If you listen,
not to the pages or preachers but to the smallest flower growing from a crack in your heart, you will hear a great song moving across a wide ocean whose water is the music connecting all the islands of the universe together, and touching all you will feel it touching you around you... embracing you with light.
It is in that light that everything lives and will always be alive."
~John Squadra
"Don't ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come
alive and go out and do it. Because what the world needs is people who
have come alive."
--Howard Thurman
regret love. No matter how blind, it improved your vision. No matter
how foolish, it made you wiser. And no matter how generous, it made you
more." -- The Universe
(Mike Dooley, TUT) |
Bringing the Catatonic Chicken Back To Life: The Power of Compassionate, Heartfelt Presence |
ways professors choose to illustrate big concepts during college
psychology classes can be rather dramatic. And in one of my big lecture
freshman psychology classes, a demonstration made a lifelong impression
on me. What I learned is NOT what the professor intended to teach me.
However, what I learned went far beyond my mind, penetrating my heart
and soul.
think the concept the professor was trying to illustrate was "learned
helplessness." For many years, I could not remember this because of the
impact of the "demonstration." The professor began by bringing a young
chicken into the classroom, and placed him on top of the marble slab at
the front of the classroom, attaching an electrode to the chicken's
then proceeded to zap the unsuspecting chicken with an electric
current. The chicken started to shake all over. His eyes started to
get really big. And before the chicken had a chance to acclimate to
what was going on, the professor zapped him again and again until the chicken froze.
minutes went by and the chicken was still frozen. 10 minutes went by
and the chicken was still frozen. The class ended and the chicken was
still frozen. The class ended and I was still frozen. And everyone
except me left the room. I sat in my chair feeling catatonic with tears
streaming down my face. I was devastated that the professor had just
zapped the chicken into a catatonic state. And I was also upset that the
professor just left the chicken there frozen on the marble slab and
left the room.
Music Notes
| Playing at the Newton Center Artful Piano |
Music is such a
source of great joy, and is a universal language to connect people
heart-to-heart. In addition to my own musical gigs, I also participate in many of the wonderful open mics and other musical events available to local singers:
Amazing Things Arts Center organized by Leslie Holmes
BACA (Boston Association of Cabaret Artists) singers perform in a
monthly open mic. Amazing Things is closed during July and August.
This open mic will resume in September.
(Boston Association of Cabaret Artists) Open Mics in Watertown (next
one is Wednesday, July 26 at 7 pm at UU Church in Watertown)
Club Café in Boston has many open mics hosted by a wonderful variety of singers and pianists in its Napoleon Room.
The Winiker Band brings
their unique joyous musical flavor to Brothers Restaurant in Brookline,
MA on Saturday and Sunday nights. Singers are welcome.
And here in Waltham at my home, I host special house concerts through the Music Salon. Versatile pianist Joe Mulholland and bassist Bob Nietske will join us on September 16.
What is EKP?
|  EKP
is Emotional-Kinesthetic Psychotherapy, a heart-centered, body-centered
psychotherapy method Linda Marks developed and has taught and practiced
for nearly twenty years. Working with the heart, touch with permission,
the wisdom of the body and the intuitive guidance of the spirit, EKP
creates a special sense of intimacy that deeply touches and transforms
most all who participate.
Participants can be "client," witness
or helper as an individual group member has a "turn" to do deeper
heart-centered, body-centered psychospiritual work in the center. Since
the electromagnetic field of the heart extends out 10 - 12 feet from our
bodies, as we go deeper and open our hearts, we are all touched.
helps restore our capacity as organs of perception. The skin is our
largest organ, and a source of soul deep knowing, perception and
expression. When our hearts and hands can work as one, we move beyond
defenses safely and respectfully and find freedom, connection and
safety is the foundation of EKP. When we are emotionally safe, we are
more aware of feelings, sensations and deeper thoughts in our bodies and
hearts. You will have a chance to listen to and care for your heart as
you help create and hold a safe healing space for everyone's heart.
Experience what we mean when we say that in EKP, "when anyone has a turn, everyone has a turn."
Albums by Linda Marks | 
Linda has two new albums for 2017. Say Yes to Love will be released 9/1/17, but physical CD's are available for purchase already. Singer/Songwriter will be released 11/25/17, and will contain ONLY Linda's original songs.
To get your pre-release copy, contact lsmheart@aol.com or (617)913-0683 Coming Full Circle and Heart To Heart
are available for purchase on CD Baby, iTunes, and Amazon (or through
me directly). Are you can hear my songs on Spotify and YouTube as well. |
I welcome dialogue and comments on my articles through my blog: HealingHeartPower.blogspot.com It is user friendly, and even something you can subscribe to.