January 1, 2016
HealingHeartPower Newsletter Reclaiming the Power of the Heart |
About Linda
Marks, MSM, is pioneer in body psychotherapy who has developed, taught
and practiced Emotional-Kinesthetic Psychotherapy (EKP) for 30 years.
She is also a singer/songwriter, and loves the way music can speak heart
she co-founded the Massachusetts Association of Body Psychotherapists
and Counseling Bodyworkers and is the founder of the Boston Area
Sexuality and Spirituality Network. She holds degrees from Yale and MIT,
and has a vital almost 20-year-old son. To find out more about Linda . . .
HealingHeartPower Calendar
can: organize a workshop, sponsor a "Community As Healer" experience
or join with others who might want to host a workshop.
Upcoming Workshops:
Community As Healer
Sunday, January 24
1 - 4 pm
Newton, MA
The Power of Voice
Friday, January 22
10 am
First Event
Waltham, MA
Community As Healer
Saturday, January 30
Newton, MA
Musical Performances:
Boston Jazz Singer Showcasae
Ryles Jazz Club
Tuesday, January 12
8 pm
Cambridge, MA
Lasell Village
with Tom LaMark and Dave Birkin
Tuesday, February 2
7:30 - 8:30 pm
Newton, MA
BACA Performance Showcase
Sunday, February 21
Amazing Things Arts Center
6 pm
Framingham, MA
Boston Public Library
with Tom LaMark and Dave Birkin
Commonwealth Salon
Thursday, April 14
2 pm
Cabaret Evening
Newton Festival
of the Arts
War Memorial Auditorium
Friday, April 29
7 pm
Newton, MA
Carole King and Burt Bacharach
with Kaoruko Pilkington
May 2
First Monday at
Club Cafe
7 pm dinner
7:30 - 8:30 pm show
Boston, MA
At The Music Salon
in Waltham, MA:
House Concert
Lori Diamond and
Fred Abatelli
Saturday, May 14
Potluck 6 pm
Concert 7 pm
Lori Diamond and
Fred Abatelli
If you would like to train in EKP, contact Linda
If you would like to sponsor a
Healing the Traumatized Heart workshop, or a Community As Healer workshop,
contact LSMHEART@aol.com

second annual BACA Holiday Party was a wonderful evening of community,
music and delicious food! The Chickering was delighted to have such
joyful company!
As 2016 begins, I am greatly looking forward to singing in the Boston Jazz Singers Showcase (organized by Joe Reid and Dan Fox) at Ryles Jazz Club in Cambridge, MA on Tuesday, January 12 at 8 pm, and returning to First Event to offer a workshop on The Power of Voice on Friday, January 22 at 10 am.
On Friday, January 14, Frank Walsh will be taping a television segment
including an interview and me performing three original songs.
Claire McFarland will join me on "You'll Never Be Alone Again."
Dave Birkin will join me on sax and
I am back in the studio working with Doug Hammer on another CD, Coming Full Circle.
On Saturday, January 16, Miki Matsuki and Dave Birkin join me in the
studio as we record some new original and other favorite songs with
drums, horn and flute. Lisa Wexler will also join me as we record a
song we co-wrote in 1981, "Everybody's Got A Song to Sing."
You can order a copy of Heart to Heart
Sunday, January 24, the Community As Healer group meets from 1 pm - 4 pm in Newton. The group meets monthly. New members are welcome.
If you would like to
experience the heart-centered body psychotherapy work I do, and be part
of a community of literal "helping hands," Saturday, January 30 will be a special Community As Healer Workshop in Newton.
My article this month, "Music As Medicine," which is also the theme for a special fundraising event for UpStage Lung Cancer this coming May!
Your comments and feedback are always welcome!
Heartfully Linda
"At rare and precious times in each of our lives, we catch a
glimpse of the exquisite state we call "grace." If you are an athlete,
you might describe this experience as being in 'the zone.' For others,
such an event is regarded as a "peak experience." And for those with a
more spiritual orientation, such rapturous moments of unity and
wholeness may be reverently regarded as 'moments of grace.' These are
times when balance is realized wholeness affirmed in its fullness across
all dimensions of our being."
"Sometimes our light goes out,
but is blown again into flame by an encounter with another human being.
Each of us owes the deepest thanks to those
who have rekindled this inner light." -Albert Schweitzer
Music As Medicine |
central passions have always moved through my life: music and
heart-centered healing. Early in my life, the two passions seemed to be
separate and hard to combine. And in order to make a living, I had to
focus on one, without much room for the other. Mind-body medicine
seemed easier for me to carve a niche in than music, since people seemed
to naturally gravitate towards the heart-centered work I developed, and
my ideas were welcome and valued at professional conferences and in
professional forums. As a 20 year old singer/songwriter, radio dj's
loved my songs, but in a world that liked to put musicians in genre
boxes, I did not neatly fit in any one box. (I still don't!)
time, however, my musical passion kept bubbling up, demanding my
attention. And I realized how much music was not only a deep sense of
expression and connection, but also a healing force. In fact, when I led
personal growth workshops, I always brought along an eclectic
collection of songs that touched many facets of the heart. Sure enough,
moments would arise when a very specific song would be just right for
the healing work a person was doing at that moment. And I would find
myself joyful and grateful I had followed my intuition in bringing that
very song along. Sometimes I would find myself playing the piano and
singing one of my own songs in one of those special healing moments.
And sometimes I would invite the whole group to sing together to
co-create a healing moment. I became aware, whether in an intentional
healing context or not, music itself was medicine.
Music Notes
Music is such a
source of great joy, and is a universal language to connect people
heart-to-heart. In addition to my own musical gigs, I also participate in many of the wonderful open mics and other musical events available to local singers:
Amazing Things Arts Center organized by Leslie Holmes
BACA (Boston Association of Cabaret Artists) singers perform in a
monthly open mic. This month, it is December 9 at 7 pm.
(Boston Association of Cabaret Artists) Open Mics in Watertown (next
one is Wednesday, December 16 at 7 pm at UU Church in Watertown)
Club Café in Boston has many open mics hosted by a wonderful variety of singers and pianists in its Napoleon Room.
The Winiker Band brings their unique joyous musical flavor to Brothers Restaurant in Brookline, MA on Saturday nights. Singers are welcome.
What is EKP?
|  EKP
is Emotional-Kinesthetic Psychotherapy, a heart-centered, body-centered
psychotherapy method Linda Marks developed and has taught and practiced
for nearly twenty years. Working with the heart, touch with permission,
the wisdom of the body and the intuitive guidance of the spirit, EKP
creates a special sense of intimacy that deeply touches and transforms
most all who participate.
Participants can be "client," witness
or helper as an individual group member has a "turn" to do deeper
heart-centered, body-centered psychospiritual work in the center. Since
the electromagnetic field of the heart extends out 10 - 12 feet from our
bodies, as we go deeper and open our hearts, we are all touched.
helps restore our capacity as organs of perception. The skin is our
largest organ, and a source of soul deep knowing, perception and
expression. When our hearts and hands can work as one, we move beyond
defenses safely and respectfully and find freedom, connection and
safety is the foundation of EKP. When we are emotionally safe, we are
more aware of feelings, sensations and deeper thoughts in our bodies and
hearts. You will have a chance to listen to and care for your heart as
you help create and hold a safe healing space for everyone's heart.
Experience what we mean when we say that in EKP, "when anyone has a turn, everyone has a turn."
I welcome dialogue and comments on my articles through my blog: HealingHeartPower.blogspot.com It is user friendly, and even something you can subscribe to.