With the fall moving quickly, I am realizing it is time to
look ahead to 2008. Two seeds for your thought for 2008:
First, we will be actively seeking clients for the EKP
Student Clinic beginning in January. If you would like to
experience free or low cost EKP sessions, with third year apprentices,
let me know.
Second, I am considering starting a new apprentice group
in 2008. If you are interested in studying EKP, please let me
The format would be weekend-based or one night per week classes.
Contributions from the EKP community have shaped the
articles in this month's newsletter. Jenny's Law: When Life
Insurance Is No Insurance is the effort of EKP graduate Sharon
Crowley's son, John, in response to a true betrayal by the SBLI company
that insured John, his now deceased wife Jenny, and their young
daughter Kaitlyn, upon Jenny's tragic death.
The Importance of Having A Life: Raising Children In a
Multi-Tasking World was inspired when Alexander Russo sent me a
great article from Atlantic.com entitled "The Autumn of the Multi-
Tasker." A more comprehensive article I have written on the dangers of
multi-tasking will appear in the Winter edition of Spirit of Change
And Just Let Me Say This One More Thing is a poem by
Donna Grant that I found particularly poignant.
Your comments and contributions are welcome, as always.
The Tuesday night EKP Body Psychotherapy Group is actively
seeking one or two new female members. If you would like the
opportunity to do deep, healing, heartfelt work in a safe committed
group, this is a wonderful place to do it. The group meets from 7:15 -
9:45 pm in Newton. An interview and one EKP session are required to
apply. Please contact me at (617)965-7846 or LSMHEART@aol.com.
The Thursday night group also has room for new members of
both genders.
And the monthly EKP Process group that meets from 2:30 - 5:30
pm one Sunday a month, has room for one or two new members.
The EKP Cape Retreat November 16 -18 promises to be
a nourishing experience for all. For more information, contact Gretchen
Stecher at gwild7@verizon.net.
Jenny's Law
When Life Insurance Is No Insurance
The purpose of insurance, as most people understand it, is
to provide resources for difficult times in life. Health insurance is
supposed to provide access to medical care when it is needed. And life
insurance is supposed to provide financial security when a love one
dies. Consumers invest in these benefits, paying out a premium in
advance of an illness, crisis or death, with an understanding that the
financial support will be there for them when they need it.
Sadly, as Michael Moore's film "Sicko" illustrates,
insurance companies today are focused on profit maximization, and if
they must pay out claims, this reduces their profit. Not a
customer-focused way of running a business. And surely unethical, if
not illegal. Yet, it is hard for an individual person to fight a big
corporate entity, so insurance companies routinely deny legitimate
claims for unbelievable reasons.
When someone you know is on the receiving end of such
treatment, the reality of this practice really hits home. In October
2005, EKP graduate Sharon Crowley's 31 year-old daughter-in-law, Jenny,
died tragically of an aggressive form of breast cancer that appeared
just months after Jenny gave birth to her daughter, Kaitlyn. Kaitlyn
was just 16 months old when her mom died.
The loss of Jenny was a huge tragedy for baby Kaitlyn, her
dad John, and her grandmother Sharon. However, a second and unnecessary
tragedy followed. Here's the story.
In spite of all the medical data that proved that Jenny
Crowley was healthy prior to her diagnosis in October 2004, including
evaluation by medical professionals representing the insurance company,
the insurance company concluded that is Jenny Crowley had Stage IV
cancer in October, she must John and Jenny Crowley met in second grade,
became high school sweethearts, and married in 2000. Like many young
couples trying to provide a secure financial future for their children,
they looked at life insurance policies, after Jenny got pregnant in
2003 with their daughter Kaitlyn. They chose SBLI, both because the
rates were competitive and Jenny, an account manager at a boutique
advertising agency, had managed their advertising.
Kaitlyn was born in June 2004. The Crowleys were issued
their SBLI policy in September 2004, a month after Jenny's first
post-partum check-up, and two months after the insurance company
performed a clinical medical exam, including blood work. Jenny was
issued a higher premium than John because of a previous melanoma scare.
However, other than that, both John and Jenny appeared to be in good
Jenny's first appointment with her OBGYN in August 2004
included a breast exam. The doctor noted nothing unusual. However,
during Jenny's follow-up visit in October 2004, the doctor noticed some
firmness. She thought it was consistent with postpartum, but to be
safe, suggested that Jenny see a specialist. To her great surprise,
Jenny discovered through a biopsy performed two weeks later, that she
had a very aggressive form of Stage IV breast cancer.
In spite of treatments and incredibly personal strength,
fighting for her life and for a life with her young daughter, Jenny
died in October 2005. As John grieved this tremendous loss, he could at
least take comfort that he and Jenny had taken proper financial
precautions for Kaitlyn. He began the process of submitting a claim on
Jenny's insurance policy.
What followed is the kind of experience no who who has
suffered such a devastating loss should have to endure. On December 30,
2005, as John and Kaitlyn were in the early stages of rebuilding a life
without Jenny, the insurance company notified them that their claim had
been denied. The reasoning the company used was mind-blowing.
In spite of all the medical data that proved that Jenny
Crowley was healthy prior to her diagnosis in October 2004, including
evaluation by medical professionals representing the insurance company,
the insurance company concluded that is Jenny Crowley had Stage IV
cancer in October, she must have had it in September when the policy
was issued. The company concluded Jenny could not have been in good
health when her policy was written, so her contract was void and her
family was not entitled to any benefits.
According to an informational piece put together by the
office of Senator Karen Spilka, even today, no doctor can state
definitively when Jenny's cancer began or if it even existed prior to
the day her policy was issued. The Crowleys had satisfied all the
insurance company's requirements for issuing a policy, and now, in
retrospect, they were saying this was insufficient. The insurance
company acknowledged that John Crowley was not trying to defraud the
company or misrepresent facts. The company used an unfounded projection
of when Jenny's cancer began to deny a legitimate claim.
The betrayal was only exacerbated by the fact that when Jenny
managed SBLI's advertising campaign prior to her illness, she had
designed a brochure featuring infant Kaitlyn on the cover! Designed to
sell the company's products to young families like hers, the text read,
"If only every decision were as easy as choosing the right life
Realizing that legal action against the insurance company
would only deplete his resources--
insurance companies have far deeper pockets than working single dads
trying to raise young children on their own after a terrible loss, John
focused his efforts on putting together a bill so that other families
would not have to endure the same injustice. Because of his efforts,
State Senator Karen Spilka has filed a bill with the Massachusetts
Legislature that would make the life insurance company, not the
individual insured, responsible for proving someone is not in good
health at the time a policy is issued.
The release from Senator Spilka's office states: "The bill
would allow life insurance companies all the time they need to gather
the necessary medical information to determine whether an applicant
meets their standards of good health, as well as continue to protect
life insurance companies from fraud and misrepresentation." This bill
would protect families like the Crowleys, "who do all the right things
but find themsleves in circumstances they could never imagine."
If you would like to help see that this bill is passed,
write to your local Representative and Senator to show your support for
this bill. You can find their address at http://
You can also contact the Financial Services Committee
Chairs, the House Speaker and Senate President:
Financial Services Committee Chairs: Representative Ron
Mariano (617)722-2220 Rep.RonaldMariano@hou.state.ma.us and Senator
Stephen Buoniconti (617)722-1660 Stephen.Buoniconti@state.ma.us.
Speaker of the House Sal DeMasi (617)722-2500
Senate President Therese Murray (617)722-1500
If you have any questions, you can contact Senator Spilka's
office at (617)722-1640.
your thoughts:
The Importance of Having A Life
Raising Children in a Multi-Tasking World
We live in an era where we are enamored with the concept of
doing more in less time. In service of this supposedly lofty goal, we
have become enthralled with the practice of "multi-tasking," what
Wikipedia defines as "the colleaquial term for a human being's handling
of simulteanous tasks."
Put simply, multi-tasking is the act of engaging in multiple
tasks all at the same time. We have come to believe, that like a
computer, we can open multiple "windows" and manage to process all of
them simultaneously, increasing productivity, without forfeiting
Sadly, this logic has proven terribly wrong. A series of
studies conducted by David Meyer at the University of Michigan and by
Marcel Just of Carnegie Mellon University have found that performance
drops off when people try to do more than one task at a time, and there
is a drop-off in efficiency even when different parts of the brain are
used for different tasks!
Multi-tasking is an outgrowth of our computer and
media-generated era. As our devices have become more complex and able
to more things in one package, we have transferred this concept onto
the human being. Rather than having a machine be truly an accessory to
help humans be human, the human has become an accessory to the machine.
Now we think humans are supposed to function the same way a machine
does. And we think this at our own risk.
Multi-tasking generates a tremendous amount of stress. And
long-term stress, defined as stress that lasts 15 minutes or more,
generates large quantities of cortisol, the stress hormone, in our
bodies. Cortisol makes us hypervigilant and mobilized to cope with
stress and emergencies, but at a price. Our body breaks down muscles,
joints and bones to maintain the nervous system and vital organs. High
levels of cortisol can be toxic to brain cells, clog arteries, promote
heart disease and high blood pressure and contribute to obesity,
diabetes and osteoporosis. Not something we want to pass on to our kids
consciously, or even unconsciously.
Yet, here's the rub...According to a study by the Kaiser
Family Foundation, "Generation M: Media in Lives of 8 - 18 Year Olds,"
children today lead "media saturated lives." Kids spend nearly 6 1/2
hours each day using media, and 26% of the time using two or more media
simultaneously. This is called "media multi-tasking," and is not good
for learning, memory retention and surely does not contribute to
physical or emotional health.
Anthropologist Elinor Ochs at UCLA is concerned about the
social consequences of this trend among young people today. Comparing
trends from 35 families in Los Angeles over a 4-year period with data
from 20 years ago, she found that multi-tasking has created some
disturbing social trends, which are particularly impactful for
children. One could say, that in their media-driven haze, kids are not
learning the skills to be human beings and have a life.
Says Ochs, "Thousands of years of evolution created human
physical communication--facial expressions, body language--that puts
broadband to shame in its ability to convey meaning and create bonds.
What happens...as we replace side-by-side and eye-to-eye human contact
human connections with quick, disembodied e-exchanges?"
The consequences are pretty dire. As journalist Claudia
Wallis notes in her Time magazine article, "The Multi-
tasking Generation," "the problem is what you are not doing if the
electronic movement grows too large...It's not so much that the video
game is going to rot your brain, it's what you are not doing that's
going to rot your life."
As young people are wiring their neural circuits, as well as
developing habits they will build on as they go forward to college and
into adulthood, it is important they have some other models that aren't
"hooked up." Doing one's homework at a desk or table away from the
television improves concentration, learning and creativity. Having
dinner be a "family meal," allows a much richer sense of emotional and
relational connection than a solo voyage with the internet. Learning to
decompress by listening to music, meditating or doing yoga creates a
relaxation response that playing a video game intensively while
following the latest sporting event on a second screen just won't
Being able to offer alternative models to our media-
driven kids requires that we slow down and take the time to connect
ourselves. If parents are rushing around with interminable schedules in
crazybusy lives, the media become substitute companions or babysitters,
offering parents a kind of built-in stress relief.
If we can say no to the eternal paper pile, make sacred time
to just BE with those we care about with our cellphones turned off, and
throw around a baseball in the backyard instead of turning on "the
box," we give our children important building blocks they can
internalize to have a chance at "having a life."
While participating in the multi-tasking, multi-media frenzy
may prepare children for today's work world, it may do them a deeper
disservice in the end.
has written a more in-depth article about multi-tasking that will
appear in the Winter issue of Spirit of Change magazine (coming out
12/1/07). To read other articles in Spirit of Change....
Just Let Me Say This One More Thing
A Poem by Donna Grant
Just let me say this one more thing.
Were always the words my mother would say
When we talked on the phone and I "had to go."
No matter what time it was.
Her tone was persistant
Yet innocently so.
Just let me say this one more thing.
"I have to cook dinner."
I'd cautiously start,
of course she'd reply with "yup"
and continue, but, before we would end
I'd be shouting, "I have to hang up!"
Just let me say this one more thing.
"I'm changing a diaper."
Sometimes I used pampers.
Back then, they were new.
On and on my mother would chatter.
Why couldn't she tell something was the matter?
Just let me say this one more thing.
A deep sigh from within,
I'd take for good measure
Asking the gods for patience
In vain though, Mum, I gotta go!!!
Just let me say this one more thing.
It never failed.
And on she'd talk, and talk and talk,
I wondered if she knew I wasn't even hearing
Her musings, her complaints, her short stories.
Til this day, I wonder what I was fearing.
Just let me say this one more thing.
Our connection grew stronger, amazingly.
I wanted so not to be so impatient.
Yet, how could I do it?
She never taught me?
Just let me say this one more thing.
As the years went by
My mother watched me grow
Into the mother that she wanted so.
I stayed close by,
And carried the burden.
Just let me say this one more thing.
I knew because she told me the story so well
Of how her mother left her alone
To take care of her two brothers
At such a young age
She sounded mad as Hell!
Just let me say this one more thing.
And as the years went by,
And as she aged too soon for me,
I knew I would have no time
To learn patience and kindess
enough to hear her plea.
Just let me say this one more thing.
But, I gotta go!
"The sink's running over. I hate to intrude."
It wasn't really.
Did I really have to go?
I'd call back, "I'm sorry, I lied... I was so rude!"
Just let me say this one more thing.
Were the words she spoke
One last time.
I knew in my heart
That I should have listened.
But, of course, I had to go.
It was two days later.
The call came to me.
"Your mother is gone.
She was found alone,
in her apartment."
I was only thirty-three.
Just let me say this one more thing.
What I would give today to hear my mother
If only she would come back and utter
just those words.
And I could now hear with joy and rememberance
and I'd lovingly just let her say...that one more thing.
--Donna E. Grant
learn more about Donna Grant...
The Boston Area Sexuality and
Spirituality Network programs for the 2007-2008 season are posted on